ISSN 2949-4788
You can subscribe to the journal "Bulletin of the University of World Civilizations" at post offices on the territory of the Russian Federation.



Ten years have passed since the time when the University of World Civilizations, by decision of its founder, member of the State Council of the Russian Federation, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, created the journal "Bulletin of the University of World Civilizations", which became an open platform for all scientists conducting research in various spheres of civilizational development. We thank them for their attention to our publication and support for the striving of its editorial board and editorial board to convey to readers the latest developments and proposals, to bring the time of practical implementation of advanced scientific ideas closer! Our journal is growing and developing together with the University of World Civilizations, which in recent years, thanks to the efforts of the founder, the administration and the teaching staff, has reached a qualitatively new level, both as a higher educational institution and as a research center with a constantly growing contingent. students, an improving staffing and a serious material and technical base.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to well-known scientists and specialists from Russia and other countries, who have shown high confidence in agreeing to work in the updated editorial board. As the publication improves, the process of such cooperation, we hope, will only develop. We are sure that by joint efforts we will make the journal even more in demand by the scientific community and useful for our Motherland!

The Bulletin of the University of World Civilizations is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

With sincere respect and best wishes, editor-in-chief of the journal "Bulletin of the University of World Civilizations", candidate of political sciences, Professor 

Slobotchikov Oleg N.


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