The journal is intended for professional researchers, analysts, practitioners in the field of international relations, political processes and technologies, economics and management of the national economy, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in Russian and foreign policy, economic sciences.
A scientific journal publishing the results of fundamental research, applied and experimental research in the following scientific specialties:
Published since 2010.
Frequency of publication - four times a year (quarterly).
ISSN 2949-4788
The journal is included in the system of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
The website of the Scientific Electronic Library contains materials of all scientific articles published in the journal since 2010.
The journal is registered with the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Press, TV and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Media.
Extract from the register of registered mass media: Reg. No. PI No. FS 77 — 85803 dated 04.09.2023
Materials are published in the author's edition.
The authors of the published materials are solely responsible for the selection and accuracy of the facts, proper names, citations, statistics and other information.
Editorial opinion may not coincide with the views of the authors of articles.
When reprinting materials and using them in any form, including in electronic media, a link to the journal "Bulletin of the University of World Civilizations" is required.
Publisher: V.V. Zhirinovsky University of World Civilizations, an autonomous non-profit organization of higher Education.
Address: 119049, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 1/2, building 1.
Contact phone: +7 (499) 261-11-26
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