Chief editor
Slobotchikov Oleg Nikolaevich, candidate of political sciences, Professor, University of World Civilizations, Moscow.
Deputy editor-in-chief:
Chichulin Nikolay Alexandrovich, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, University of World Civilizations, Moscow.
Members of the editorial Board:
Brega Alexander Vasilyevich, Doctor of political science, Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Gerasimov Vladimir Ivanovich, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Kirsanov Konstantin Aleksandrovich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, University of World Civilizations, Moscow.
Kondratovich Irina Valentinovna, Doctor of Economics, associate Professor, Russian new University.
Rastorguev Sergey Viktorovich, Doctor of political science, Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Sidorenko Olga Viktorovna, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Oryol State Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhin, Orel.
Slatinov Vladimir Borisovich, Doctor of political science, associate Professor, Kursk state University.
Tolstykh Tatyana Olegovna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, National Research Technological University "Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys".
Veklenko Vasily Ivanovich, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Kursk State Agrarian University named after I.I. Ivanov, Kursk.
Volokh Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Doctor of political science, Professor, State University of management, Moscow.
Zhakhov Nikolay Vladimirovich, Doctor of Economics, associate Professor, South-Western state University.
Zhilyakov Dmitry Ivanovich, Doctor of Economics, associate Professor, Professor, Kursk State Agrarian University named after I.I. Ivanov, Kursk.
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